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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My CSS stylesheet for Ruby on Rails syntax highligthing

As my very first post, I would like to share with you the CSS stylesheet I use to format Ruby snippets.
If you need a CSS stylesheet ready to be applied to your html code block, or you simply like my ruby formatting color schema, you can take it!

div.rb-code {
 padding:1em 1em 1em 1em;
 border:0.2em groove #000000;
 font-family:Andale Mono,monospace;
div.rb-block-def {}
div.rb-block-exe {}
div.rb-code { padding-left:1.4em; }
div.rb-code .attribute { color:#FFFF66; }
div.rb-code .argument { color:#FFFF00; font-style:italic; }
div.rb-code .class-parent { color:#00FF00; }
div.rb-code .class { color:#FF00FF; font-weight:bold; }
div.rb-code .comment { color:#FFFFFF; }
div.rb-code .constant { color:#FF9966; }
div.rb-code .keyword { color:#FF8000; text-decoration:underline; }
div.rb-block-def .method { color:#FF00FF; }
div.rb-code .module { color:#A020F0; font-weight:bold; }
div.rb-code .number { color:#00FFFF; font-weight:bold; }
div.rb-code .regexp { color:#FF0000; }
div.rb-code .string { color:#99CCFF; }
div.rb-code .symbol { color:#CCFF66; }
div.rb-code .var { color:#FFFF66; font-weight:bold; }
div.rb-block-exe .command { color:#99CCFF; font-weight:bold; }
div.rb-block-exe .evaluation { color:#F0F0F0; font-size:0.8em; }
div.rb-block-exe .prompt { color:#CC9900; }

To use it, simply place all your code snippet between <DIV class='rb-code'>...</DIV>, and then wrap inside the appropriate <SPAN>...</SPAN> block the portions you need to highligth.

You can distinguish def blocks and executable blocks placing them inside a <DIV class='rb-block-def'> or a <DIV class='rb-block-exe'>

To ident a block, put it inside another <DIV class='tab'>

Look at the following example:

<DIV class='rb-code'>  
<DIV class='rb-block-def'>
<DIV><SPAN class='keyword'>class</SPAN> <SPAN class='class'>Person</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV class='tab'>
<DIV><SPAN class='keyword'>def</SPAN> <SPAN class='method'>speak_now</SPAN>(<SPAN class='argument'>thought</SPAN>)</DIV>
<DIV class='tab'>
<DIV>puts <SPAN class='var'>thought</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class='keyword'>end</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class='keyword'>end</SPAN></DIV>

it will be shown as:

class Person
def speak_now(thought)
puts thought

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